Why not turn on
the poetry-engine and have it roam around country like what Ginsberg did to America with his Howl? Why not let ASL poetry be poetry?

Performances and Workshops Available!
Here are samples of my works

ASL Storytelling Performance
ASL interactive performance for all type of audience. Peter will interact with his audience through his storytelling in ASL and it is a eye-candy treat for all!

Flying Words Project
Flying Words Project is at once imaginative, experimental, and intense. Deaf American Sign Language poet Peter Cook presents three dimensional imagery while collaborator Kenny Lerner's spoken words allow the hearing in the audience to literally see the ASL image and become lost in the movement. Together they have created a moving tapestry uniquely accessible to both hearing and deaf audiences since 1984.

ASL Personal Experience Narrative
The purpose of this workshop is to explore the role of Narrator and Character in ASL storytelling. The participants will have the chance to exercise role shifting between Narrator and Character. Features such as Body shifting, Eye gazing, Physical features, Positions, and Power shifting will be discussed. The participants will create stories through their personal experiences and will be given assignment during the course of the workshop.
ASL Literature and Poetry
The workshop covers various ASL narratives produced by well-respected ASL storytellers, and poets. Through the narratives, participants are exposed to the lives and experiences of Deaf people.
Deaf people rely on ASL narratives to portray themselves and to reaffirm their identities as members of a distinct cultural group. Participants also learn how a narrative is formed without a written system and how it is preserved and passed down through the generations.
Wine and ASL
Wine has long been a part of life, culture, and diet. The number of vineyards in the United States has skyrocketed in recent history. More and more people are becoming interested in viticulture and wine making. Wine bars and wine tasting has become a chic experience. Whether you are interested yourself or if there is a possibility that you will find yourself interpreting at a winemaking tour or a tasting event, come and learn about the basic styles of wine, how wine is properly stored, and what is considered when wines are paired with food. Peter has a Level Three Award from The Wine and Spirit Education Trust, a well respected regulatory authority of the United Kingdom.